Ready, Set, Detox!

a few of my detox grocery items
Well, it's about time to get this detox started! Yesterday was a perfect day to prepare because it was snowy and cold. I spent a great deal of the day chopping vegetables and cooking soups. I put my new pressure cooker to good use! Not only did I grocery shop and chop vegetables yesterday but, I also made my spicy lentil soup and my curry chickpea soup. Today I made granola and tonight I will start the steel cut oatmeal in the slow cooker so it will be ready in the morning. I'll also chop up some produce for the detox juice in the morning.
Here are a few extra tips to get you though the detox:
Stress, Exercise and Sleep
It is important to not over exert yourself during detoxing and focus on drinking enough pure water, resting and de-stressing. Warm relaxing baths will help with relaxation, also deep breathing, prayer and meditation. Although exercise is important, this would not be the time to overdo it. Try to get adequate sleep. Remember, detoxification is not only about detoxifying the body but also the mind and spirit.
Pay attention to your body you may experience better sleep, clearer skin, less joint pain, less allergy symptoms, weight loss, more energy, etc. after the detox although symptoms may get worse before they improve.